Friday, March 12, 2010
Correct timing to drink water...
Correct timing to drink water, will maximize its effectiveness on the Human body.
Two (02) glass of water - After waking up - Helps activate internal organs
One (01) glasses of water - 30 minutes before meal - Help digestion
One (01) glass of water - Before taking a bath - Helps lower blood pressure
One (01) glass of water - Before sleep - To avoid stroke or heart attack
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Diseases and their Causes According to Ayurveda
A wrong behavior and food habit disturbs the harmony and lead to diseases.
The vitiated Doshas are the prime causative factor for a disease. Because they are the only causative factors for the vitiation (derangement) of other body elements like Dhatus, Malas, Agni etc. Both under pathological and healthy conditions, the Doshas behave in different patterns and elicit various signs and symptoms in regard to their vitiation, direction of spreading area of localization and manifestation.
The Doshas can be vitiated mainly by two ways normally and abnormally. The normal vitiation is produced by the inevitable and natural factors like seasonal variations, diurnal variations, various stages of digestion. This type of vitiation is easy to treat and often it does not require any treatment as the condition subside automatically. Abnormal vitiation of Doshas is caused by deliberate exposure to specific etiological factors, both external and internal. That is abuse of functions of sense organs, wrong bodily habits, suppression of body urges, ill food habits, avoidance of seasonal and daily regimes. Incompatible combination of food, lack of body care and preservation of health, constant exposure of mind to bad feelings like greed, jealousy, anger etc.
Having a through knowledge of the signs and symptoms produced by the vitiated Doshas and Dhtus, and through careful examination one can know causative factors of a disease.
This very much helpful in aspect of treatment. The basic principles of treatment in Ayurveda is to eliminate the internal disease causing factors of disease, also to bring back the vitiated Doshas, Dhatus, Malas and Agni to normal functioning state.
The PanchaMahabhutas
The five mahabhutas are Akasa,Vayu, Agni,Ap or jala and Prthivi . viz – Sound,Touch,Vision, Taste,and Smell are their properties respectively .
According to Ayurveda everything in Universe is composed of the Pancamahabhutas – Akasa Space), Vayu (Air), Teja or Agni(Fire),Jala(Water)and Prithvi (Earth).Omnipresent,they are mixed in an infinite variety of relative proportions such that each form of matter is distinctly unique. Although each element has a range of attributes, only some get evident in particular situations. Constantly changing and interacting with each other, they create a situation of dynamic flux that keeps the world going.
In a simple,single living cell for example the earth element predominates by giving structure to the cell.The water element is present in the cytoplasm or the liquid within the cell membrane.The fire element regulates the metabolic processes regulating the cell.While the air element predominates the gases therein. The space occupied by the cell denoting the Akasa.
In the case of a complex, multi-cellular organism as a human being for instance,akasa corresponds to spaces within the body (mouth, nostrils, abdomen etc.); vayu denotes the movement (essentially muscular also nervous system ); agni controls the functioning of enzymes (intelligence, digestive system, metabolism); jala is in all body fluids (as plasma, saliva, digestive juices); and prithvi manifests itself in the solid structure of the body (bones, teeth, flesh, hair et al)
The Pancamahabhutas therefore serve as the foundation of all diagnosis & treatment modalities in Ayurveda and has served as a most valuable theory for physicians to detect and treat illness of the body and mind successfully.
Salient Features of Ayurveda
There are several aspects of this system of medicine which distinguish it from other approaches to health care:
1. Ayurveda describes three fundamental universal energies which regulate all natural processes on both the macrocosmic and microcosmic levels.That is, the same energies which produce effects in the various galaxies and star systems are operating at the level of the human physiology--in our own physiology. These three universal energies are known as the Tridosa.
2.Ayurveda is a complete medical system which recognizes that ultimately all intelligence and wisdom flows from one Absolute source (Paramatma).Health manifests by the grace of the Absolute, acting through the laws of Nature (Prakriti).Ayurveda assists Nature by promoting harmony between the individual and Nature by living a life of balance according to her laws.
3. It focuses on establishing and maintaining balance of the life energies within us,rather than focusing on individual symptoms.
4. It recognizes the unique constitutional differences of all individuals and therefore recommends different regimens for different types of people. Although two people may appear to have the same outward symptoms, their energetic constitutions may be very different and therefore call for very different remedies.
5.Finally, the ancient Ayurvedic physicians realized the need for preserving the alliance of the mind and body and offers mankind tools for remembering and nurturing the subtler aspects of our humanity. Ayurveda seeks to heal the fragmentation and disorder of the mind-body complex and restore wholeness and harmony to all people.
6.To balance the elements and the doshas of the body and the senses, there are many treatments, therapies, and exercises available. To balance the elements of the mind, meditations, mantra, and exercises are often used. Massage and rasayana treatments, along with visualization, pranic breathing, and other practices,allow personal access to intuition, and the innate knowledge of the soul.
7. Ayurveda believes five basic elements Panchamahabhutas (space,air,fire,water and earth) manifest in the human body as three basic humours known as tridoshas(Vata,Pitta and Kapha). These three govern creation,maintenance and destruction of bodily tissues as well as the assimilation and elimination.Each person is born with a unique combination of these doshas which decides their basic constitution called Prakruti. Understanding of each person's Prakruti for deciding their personal diet and exercise pattern, supplements and medicinal herbs,cleansing and rebuilding therapies that is right for them are among the chief methods, Ayurveda employs for the maintenance and restoration of health.
Advantages of Ayurveda
01 It is preventive, protective, health primitive and curative in nature. At the same time herbal remedies are self contained, and nutritive rendering them harmless and non toxic. This provides a constructive approach against destructive forces.
02 Ayurveda is not man made but is believed to be divine gift. It is for us to study, seek, search and take the benefits from the treasure of knowledge.
03 Ayurveda is mainly based on herbs, plants, flowers, fruits, vegetables and all vegetation that grows around us in plenty. It is our native system based on the peculiar indian conditions. Further whatever is available on our own country is bound to be more suitable in creating good health to us rather than borrowed knowledge as well as materials. Charaka samhita stresses the same point.
04 Ayurveda begins when everything fails and when the treatment is uncertain and prolonged, ayurvedic approach is the right choice since it cures chronic and stubborn diseases by its deep-rooted treatment procedures and drugs.
What Ayurveda does for you?
Ayurveda is considered to be one of the best health care methods available in the world. It can not only cure but prevents diseases as well.
Ayurveda treatments can give us the opportunity to be aware of not only physical but also social distortions. If one is comfortable receiving Ayurveda treatments, most likely he has established good human relationships which is essential for good health.
Basic Principles of Ayurveda
Basic Principles of Ayurveda comprise of :
1.The TriGunas-
Three Fundamental universal energies : viz - Satva ,Rajas and Tamas
2.The PancaMahabhutas -
Five basic elements viz.-Akasha (Space),Vayu (Air),Teja or Agni(Fire),Jala(Water) and Prithvi (Earth)
3.The TriDosas -
Three Body Humours viz.-Vata,Pitta and Kapha
4.The SaptaDhatus -
Seven types of body tissues :viz.- Rasa (fluid) Dhatu, Rakta(blood)Dhatu, Mamsa Dhatu,Meda(fat)Dhatu,Asthi Dhatu,Majja Dhatu and Sukra Dhatu
5.The TrayodosaAgni -
Thirteen types of digestive fires : viz.-Jatharagni (gastric fire), SaptaDhatvagni and PanchaBhutagni
6.The TriMalas -
Three types of Body Wastes :viz.-Purisa (faeces),Mutra (urine) and Sveda (sweat).
About Ayurveda
Ayurveda is the knowledge that indicates the appropriate and inappropriate, happy or sorrowful conditions of living, what is auspicious or inauspicious for longevity, as well as the measure of life itself. Ayur means life and Veda means knowledge, so Ayurveda means the knowledge about science of life. Ayurveda is a Science of Life as well as a medical system. Vedic philosophy believes that humans are all part and parcel of nature. Just as the animals and plants live in harmony with nature and utilize the Laws of Nature to create health and balance within their beings; there is a concurrent and inherent connection between the universe and a human person. Unlike the animal kingdom, humans live in a more complicated nature where they are perpetually exposed to environment change: weather, society and economy, lifestyle, diet, work, financial status, emotions and relationships. Any of these environment changes can easily tip the balance and jeopardize the individual’s state of mind, body and soul. Hence, the meaning of Ayurveda; two Sanskrit words: Ayu which means life and Veda which means the knowledge of. To know about life is Ayurveda and according to the ancient Ayurvedic scholar Charaka, "ayu" is comprised of four essential parts: the combination of mind, body, senses and the soul. With Ayurveda healing, the purpose is not just to bring remedy to an illness but also to bring harmony to out-out-balance factors.
Ayurveda literally means “The Science of Life” for the promotion of positive health and prevention and cure of diseases. It is in practice in India and its neighboring countries since time immemorial.“Health”, according to Ayurveda, is not merely the freedom from diseases. A person is to be treated as healthy only when his mind, sense, organs and the soul are in the state of perfect of equilibrium to endow happiness. In addition, the body should be free from diseases.Ayurveda lays a lot of emphasis on the prevention and cure of diseases. Therefore several therapeutic measures both for patients and healthy persons are prescribed in this system of medicine.
Ayurveda, the Ancient Science of Life, Health and Longevity
"A physician who fails to enter the
body of a patient with the lamp of knowledge and understanding can never treat diseases. He should first study all the factors that influence a patient's disease, including the environment, and then prescribe treatment. It is more important to prevent the occurrence of disease than to seek a cure."
--from the Charaka Samhita